Around the French Quarter

It was a mostly slow day.  Harvey picked up a package we had sent to our first night hostess and good friend, S, while Hannah filled in some missing blog info.  We headed for the French Quarter to do some exploring.  We saw the Mississippi river for the first time.

Harvey pacified a somewhat belligerent drunk by singing happy birthday to him.  We even did a Huffington Post interview... will post that when it comes out.  But we're beggining to think we'll need to leave the pony behind to get anywhere.  It's very busy and crowded and there do seem to be few people that don't like the horse on their property. Meadow tried to kick one of the many driving mules around the Quarter.

We saw a neat, outdoor, artsy multi-vendor setup.  There were amazing paintings and photos, cool metalwork and a trainhopper documentary we'd like to catch the rest of sometime.

Staying at M's is so nice... 3+ days Of grass for the pony, good company and just a few miles from everything.


Meadow provided the decidedly not slow moment... She skipped away and ran for a juicy patch of green, tearing across a crowded street at full gallop.  All the cars slowed and let her pass.  Thank God she's okay.  Nearly half a year on the road, and a pony's bound to get away once; any horse owner knows.

Olive looked at Hannah (Harvey was inside buying groceries during this whole event) asking, "Should I chase that runaway pony?"... Definitely not, pup.

1 comment:

  1. Should y'all decide to head North to Memphis, we are right on the way with plenty of grass for the pony and home grown bacon for the people. Just sayin'.

    Keely and Sean
