Here are the hoof pictures taken at B's house on Thanksgiving Day. Thanks, B, for letting us use your camera and computer.
Meadow's four new hoof boots allow for a very aggressive trim of the hoof walls, which provides plenty of healthy sole contact on the soft pads Hannah added inside the boots. Meadow is now eager to carry out a proper heel-first landing, so her feet have immediately begun "self-grooming". As the "soft" areas are no-longer needed, (everything but the walls and bars) they become "chalky" or flaky, in an effort to exfoliate. They can be scraped off with ease. This is the hoof "telling" us where to trim. Meadow's frogs have shedded layers daily. This is exciting for Hannah! The hooves are discarding superfluous built-up layers, as they progress toward a tighter and therefore smaller, more natural hoof shape... Hooray!
Before this trip, Meaow's hooves grew tell-tale "ripples" in the wall whenever her diet was too rich. With a more balanced diet and exercise, new wall grows in straight and the ripples travel down the hoof until they are shaved off at the bottom. The largest ripple in Meadow's hooves used to be less than halfway down the hoof. Now they are an inch from the bottom, and will soon be replaced with healthier, straighter wall. Compare to the 10/2/13 post titled: Meadow's feet.
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