Pictures of New Orleans 2

We don't have time to say much but we are back on the road traveling at a breakneck pace from New Orleans to Asheville.  We had a better time in New Orleans then we ever imagined we would.  The music, the art was amazing, the horse culture - even in the city limits - was surprisingly groovy and of course the people were great... interesting, open, kind...  We will make more posts about the last two months soon.  Today, we are in the middle of a 30 mile trek through Alabama (Citronelle) so we will just leave you with a few pictures of us recently.

1 comment:

  1. It was a pleasure meeting you guys. I hope that you enjoyed the jerky. I forgot to tell you that it was a little spicy, but, I suppose you figured that out pretty quickly.
    Good luck on your travels ! And, you have my information, if you're in my neck of the woods.
